Robert Greig wrote:
Hi Jeff,

 I'm currently working on an AMQP gateway for the JBoss ESB using the
QPid Java client libraries.  I have gotten it to work ... but did
experience a few issues along the way.  I made modifications to the
JBoss ESB to accommodate the problem I was experiencing.  Please see the
ESB forum post for details :
Hi Jeff,

Another solution would be for you to use the property java.naming.provider./url /to specify the path to a qpid property file.

<jms-provider name="JMS"
   <property name="java.naming.provider./url/" value="file://path/qpid.jndi" />
<property name="qpidConnectionFactory" value=""/> <jms-bus busid="quickstartGwChannel">
       <jms-message-filter dest-type="QUEUE" dest-name="Alpha_Co" />

the file /path/qpid.jndi would look like:


This should work with the existing ESB code as the connection factory is 
defined in qpid.jndi and the name of it through your ESB
xml file.


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