Hello Francis,

now I;m not able to run multi-domain config at all. When I try to access SOGo web page it will crash.

Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: version 1.3.8 (build r...@vizzini.inverse.ca 201107141607) -- starting Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down app when vmem > 384 MB Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: <0x0x139c9410[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo products loaded from '/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/SOGo': Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: <0x0x139c9410[SOGoProductLoader]> Contacts.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, AdministrationUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo
Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: <0x0x13af0e70[WOWatchDog]> listening on *:20000
Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: <0x0x13af0e70[WOWatchDog]> watchdog process pid: 
Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: <0x0x2b82c6605520[WOWatchDogChild]> watchdog request timeout set to 10 minutes
Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: <0x0x13af0e70[WOWatchDog]> preparing 1 children
Jul 17 20:45:51 sogod [3865]: <0x0x13af0e70[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 
2011-07-17 20:46:16.490 sogod[3866] Note: Using UTF-8 as URL encoding in NGExtensions. Jul 17 20:46:16 sogod [3866]: <0x0x13a81c40[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval set every 300.000000 seconds Jul 17 20:46:16 sogod [3866]: <0x0x13a81c40[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) 'localhost' as server(s)
2011-07-17 20:46:16.497 sogod[3866] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is enabled!
2011-07-17 20:46:16.497 sogod[3866] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is enabled!
2011-07-17 20:46:16.497 sogod[3866] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs are 
2011-07-17 20:46:16.503 sogod[3866] ERROR(-[NGLdapSearchResultEnumerator nextObject]): does not support result references yet .. EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x13dafbc0> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException REASON:-initWithString: given nil string INFO:(nil)
Jul 17 20:46:16 sogod [3865]: <0x0x13bddc00[WOWatchDogChild]> child 3866 exited
Jul 17 20:46:16 sogod [3865]: <0x0x13bddc00[WOWatchDogChild]> (terminated due to signal 6)
Jul 17 20:46:16 sogod [3865]: <0x0x13af0e70[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 

I checked my config and I'm not able to find where should be error. Is it possible to donwload 1.3.7 version somewhere?

Thanks in Advance


Dne 15.7.2011 20:53, Francis Lachapelle napsal(a):
Hi Ladislav

On 2011-07-15, at 10:59 AM, Ladislav Pašek wrote:

my multi-domain config stop working after update. I have to switch to single 
domain config that is working. There some changes in multi-domain config syntax?

Does the mail domains of your users addresses match the domains used in your configuration file of 
SOGo? If they do match, change them. For example, instead of using "prodex.sk", use 
"prodex-sk". As long as you don't use the new SOGoLoginDomains setting, the domains keys 
defined in your .GNUstepDefaults are never shown.


flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 

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