Yes, mail sharing is done by the mail server. If it doesn't support ACLs
(as far as I know Dovecot doesn't – cyrus does, though), SOGo can't do
much about it.

On 09.11.2011 10:49, Julian Robbins wrote:
> Hi Ian
> Nice to see another UK user of SOGo ! ;-)
> Firstly, sharing of email folders and sharing of calendars is completely
> different. I believe the sharing of mailboxes is done at the mail server
> end, ie in your dovecot config. (i do not use this so can't help too
> much here)
> You should definitely be able to share calendars in the way you have
> described though. The permissions side of things can be confusing; have
> you read the FAQ to fully understand it ?
> You can also setup further logging in sogo which might help, again this
> is in the FAQ and the manual
> Hope this helps
> Julian Robbins
> Leominster
> Herefordshire UK
> On Tuesday, November 8, 2011 13:50 GMT, Ian McMichael
> <> wrote:
>> I have a fairly new installation of SOGo using Dovecot, OpenLDAP and
>> MySQL as the backends on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It was installed on 1.3.8b
>> and upgraded (without any issues) to 1.3.9 upon its release in the
>> Debian repositories.
>> I want to enable certain users to view the e-mail of others and to
>> create a shared calendar, owned by one user but able to be updated by
>> many. Most of the users' access is via the SOGo web interface, so this
>> is my first area of interest.
>> I have logged on as UserA and shared my e-mail with UserB. I have also
>> created a new calendar for UserA and shared this with UserB. However
>> when UserB logs in, despite receiving e-mails to say they now have
>> things shared by UserA, nothing extra displays in their folder tree for
>> e-mail or calendar list.
>> I have read the manual several times over the past couple of weeks and
>> again this morning to see if there was any parameter I had overlooked
>> that could just turn this functionality off. A week or two back I fixed
>> an issue in the Dovecot configuration where the shared folder list could
>> not be created due to a permission error. However, this should not
>> impact calendars as I believe they are stored in MySQL.
>> The logs don't appear to give any clues. I would really appreciate it if
>> someone could help me debug (and hopefully fix!) this?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --
>> Ian McMichael
>> • E-Mail:
>> • Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837
>> --

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