On 09/11/11 09:49, Julian Robbins wrote:
Hi Ian

Nice to see another UK user of SOGo ! ;-)

Firstly, sharing of email folders and sharing of calendars is completely different. I believe the sharing of mailboxes is done at the mail server end, ie in your dovecot config. (i do not use this so can't help too much here)

You should definitely be able to share calendars in the way you have described though. The permissions side of things can be confusing; have you read the FAQ to fully understand it ? http://www.sogo.nu/english/nc/support/faq/article/what-are-all-those-options-for-calendar-sharing-1.html

You can also setup further logging in sogo which might help, again this is in the FAQ and the manual

Hope this helps

Julian Robbins
Herefordshire UK

Hi Julian,

Yes, us UK users need to stick together so thanks very much for your assistance.

I have a rather embarrassing admission to make after reading the FAQ and realising I'd not seen those settings anywhere. I failed to realise that after adding someone to share a calendar you had to double-click their name in the list and grant them further permissions! Oddly, having done that now everything works as it should with calendar delegation - oops, sorry! ;-)

Mail still doesn't work but as you say that is likely a Dovecot issue, which I will pursue with others on the list who run it.

Thanks again,


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail: ian.mcmich...@gmail.com
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


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