
I configured SOGo on my OpenBDS with success but there are some
problems I want to report/ask.

1.Password change do not work. I have positive message that password is
changed but in my LDAP tree there is still old password and when relogin I
have to use old password.

2. Sieve filters are (probably) stored in database and when i change
filters with other client such as thunderbird sieve extension or roundcube
SOGo can't see them.

3. Missed memcached authorization. Unauthorized memcached is not secure
enough on some wide accessible systems. Disabling memcached functionality
could be nice in config too.

4. I''m using full email as username (and multidomain only for settings
separation) and when sharing folders via IMAP sogo app adds domain to my
account so it looks like j...@example.org@example.org.

5. When setting share doubleclick is not very obvious so maybe its possible
to add an icon.

6. Are there any plans to be able to add more than one cellphone ?

Below is my config maybe it help to someone.

Many thanks for developers REALLY GOOD JOB. I'm waiting for next releases.


sogod OCSSessionsFolderURL postgresql://
sogod SOGoProfileURL postgresql://
sogod OCSFolderInfoURL postgresql://

sogod domains '{
    "example.org" = {
       SOGoUserSources = (
               CNFieldName = cn;
               IDFieldName = uid;
               UIDFieldName = uid;
               baseDN = "ou=mailaccounts,dc=example,dc=org";
               bindDN = "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org";
               filter = "(o=example)";
               bindPassword = xxx;
               canAuthenticate = YES;
               displayName = "Shared Addresses";
               hostname =;
               id = example;
               isAddressBook = YES;
               port = 389;
               type = ldap;

NSGlobalDomain 'Local Time Zone' 'Europe/Warsaw'
sogod WOPidFile "/var/log/sogo/sogo.pid"
sogod SOGoTimeZone "Europe/Warsaw"
sogod SOGoLanguage Polish
sogod SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications YES
sogod SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications YES
sogod SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications YES
sogod SOGoMailingMechanism smtp
sogod SOGoSMTPServer
sogod SOGoIMAPServer
sogod SOGoSieveServer
sogod SOGoOtherUsersFolderName 'Other Users'
sogod SOGoSharedFolderName 'Shared Folders'
sogod SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled YES
sogod SOGoForwardEnabled YES
sogod SOGoVacationEnabled YES
sogod SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled YES
sogod SOGoLoginModule Mail
sogod SOGoPageTitle 'SOGo'
sogod SOGoContactsDefaultRoles (ObjectViever)
sogod SOGoCalendarDefaultRoles (PublicViewer)

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