Le 10/02/2012 15:10, Alessio Fattorini a écrit :
Hi Alessio,
Good question, i think that the only way is
* update thunderbird
how do you push Tb10ESR? Manually?
* disable old inverse addons
It's done automatically as far I've already seen it.
* lightning should update itself automatically
and the best for the end:
* install "manually" new sogo-integrator (required i think)
* auto-install integrator.
Howto get that, smoothly!

The users who updated(derived) from Tb3.1 to ... Tb10 are "safe" but it's wired and unstable cause it's works but with restriction [Calendar ok, mainly use, but no button]. I was thinking for my Tb3.1+light+integrator migration's user that we had to find a way
to provide a connector version fully compatible with Tb3.1 and Tb10esr.
This holy connector should able to push the information to Tb3.1 client to get the right update of Tb10 (THE esr one!)
Maybe located on the sogo server, same place as the plugins folder?
i.e: https:webmail.mydomain.com/*plugins/* or ../*Tb10esr/* (just to allowed migration phase)

My others users  (new users in TB10ESR) are, just, waiting for the moment!

Other question: is it possible to ask to the integrator or connector to make Tb switch to Tb10 to Tb10ESR?
I search on canal keyword but Google doesn't help me (2010 posts or blogs)

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