Am 11.02.2012 11:44, schrieb xbgmsharp:
> // Configure Thunderbird update
> //
> force_bool_pref("app.update.silent", true);
> force_bool_pref("app.update.enabled", true);
> force_bool_pref("", true);
> force_int_pref("app.update.mode", 1);

Does anyone know an option to let Thunderbird update automatically
without even asking the user? I've told them for the last couple of
years that they cannot update, it would take some time to get them to do
it again. :)

I've set the options above (and all the others mentioned by xbgmsharp)
and waited for 30mins and nothing happend. The rest of the update
process works quite well (new extensions with the new update URL, update
TB from our own servers and updating the extensions from our own
servers), I would only like to have the update be automatically as well
if possible.


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