Am 22.02.2012 12:23, schrieb Jakob Lenfers:
Am 19.02.2012 18:36, schrieb
Jakob Lenfers<>  a écrit :
Looks very interesting, are you already using something like this?
yes i use it in production since 2 years. It allow you to control TB
update and avoid user updating to non supported version when Mozilla
push a new version. However it should not be the case anymore with
ESR version but still nice to have.
Especially since an update should be tested nonetheless.

could increase the internal version number of the extensions, add
those changes into the plugins and update most of your clients
automatically with that as far as I understand...
Exactly You will need to add an additional parameter (em:updateURL, to fully
supported the SOGo extensions to update from TB3.1 to TB10
I'm currently at a point where I have a PHP script to send the
update-XML to the client and the client updates from tb3 to tb10. But
after the update, I don't have my extensions anymore. If the mar file
(see below) doesn't work out, has anyone any ideas on that? I changed
the compatibility of the integrator to support TB10, but it doesn't seem
to work anymore (at least it doesn't connect to my webserver) with TB10. :/

This is the problem with Mozilla, there is a lot missing
documentation and when there is, it is unclear or obscure. Your
update.php need to refrer to a mar file that can be on your  server
or on Mozilla server. The mar file are create by Mozilla so no need
to modify them, except  if you want additional customization like you
do with addons. IT could be susefull to integarte an SSL cert but i
never did it. It is also why all URL are in HTTP otherwise does not
Thats what I've found out as well. Did I get it right, to create my own
mar file, I'll need to compile TB on my own? Because that would be the
best way to include the extensions after the update, but I cannot find a
*good* documentation on how to create the mar file. (There is one for
Linux, but I suppose it is written for people who are used to build
their own mozilla software already...

Having everything working and tested and documentated is more likely
2-3 days of works.
I can sign that, thanks for the input! :)


Why not go that way ?

The requirements are small (A https server for the update url)
And as you have the update TB already in place this should also work


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