Chris Santerre wrote:

ver     avg scan time
2.4x    2.7 seconds
3.0     30.4 seconds

OH MY! Network test :)

Any longer and I might just be doing greylisting by accident. ;)

My time is up a little since upgrading, but not that much. I also upgraded the hardware on the machine though too, dual 2.0ghz xeon upgraded to dual 2.4ghz, and upgraded to linux software raid5 from 3xJBOD. Doing bayes in SQL, no AWL, most of the rules from rulesemporium, SURBL of course, under amavisd-new v2.1.2. Attached is a graph that is generate, the little blip in week 38 is when the upgrade happenned (server wasn't down that long, I just had to fix the graph).

Ryan Moore
---------- Corporation
704-849-8355 (sales)
704-849-8017 (tech)

<<inline: graph_image.php.png>>

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