On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 12:25:45 -0500, Michael Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 10:22:42AM -0700, Morris Jones wrote:
> >
> > I watched a spamd child grow to 250MB yesterday on a single message.  I
> > have a suspicion that the memory usage growth is happening on a whitelist
> > or bayes database maintenance event of some sort.
> >
> For folks that are seeing huge jumps in memory, instead of gradual
> growth, how are you calling SA?
> Thanks,
> Michael
I'm calling it via spamass-milter. In the Spamd init script I have this options:
OPTIONS="-d -x -u spamd -H /var/spool/spamassassin/"
and in the spamassmilter init script, this ones:
SM_EXTRA_FLAGS="-r 15 -m -u spamd -fb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-i -i"
In my specific case, the ponit isn't only woth the big memory usage
jumps, but with SA keeping the memory, and never releasing it.

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