On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 10:19:17AM -0300, Luis Hernán Otegui wrote:
> In my specific case, the ponit isn't only woth the big memory usage
> jumps, but with SA keeping the memory, and never releasing it.

Highwater marks, common in most perl applicatios, don't concern me as
much as these HUGE jumps in memory that folks are seeing.  Jumps that
just keep chewing memory without stopping.

There are places in the code where we could use memory a little more
efficiently, I found one yesterday in fact, and we will work on these
over time.  In 2.x, the fork-on-demand model allowed us to be much
more liberal with our data structures.  We just need to wrangle that
in a little with the 3.0 pre-fork code.


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