jdow wrote:

It means your address is in a set of DSL addresses listed as Dial Up
addresses. Ye verily thou art stuck in the fork.


(See why I do not like such broad brush black lists? They false alarm
BADLY at times they should not, far too many times.)

I must disagree. Unfortunately the number of responsible people on the other end of cable and DSL modems is vanishingly small compared to the number of zombie machines that are spewing spam and more viruses. On a typical day we get abut 340,000 delivery attempts. We block about 110,000 thanks to SORBS. That's per day. I have only gotten 4 or 5 false positives due to SORBS listings in the last 6 months. (Of 340,000 incoming messages, we pass on 7,400 to our users.)

So would you have us accept 110,000 garbage messages per day for less than one a month that are responsible people running their own mail server on a cable or DSL modem? That would be a great cost to us in either processing power to analyze the messages with SA and/or lost productivity for all our users to wade through more junk.

I'm sorry but you must send mail through your ISP's mail server or be blocked by an increasing number of mail servers around the Internet. If your ISP doesn't support using their mail server with your domain, find another one. My home ISP does, which is one reason I chose them.

                                Bob Amen
                            O'Reilly Media, Inc.

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