On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 04:50:52PM -0500, Thomas Bolioli wrote:
> Is there any way to reverse -L --local for the spam assassin binary. It 
> seems to be on, despite the fact that I use a global procmailrc file and 
> it clearly has /usr/bin/spamassassin as the inary to exec without any 
> switches.

First, "spamassassin" isn't a binary, it's just a perl script.  Second,
there's no way to "reverse" it -- just don't put it on the commandline.

If you're not calling it with any flags, ala:


then it'll try, by default, to do network checks.  Another option is a
configuration somewhere which does "skip_rbl_checks 1" or "dns_available no".
Also, if DNS tests fail w/out "dns_available yes", that would stop it as well.

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