On 25 Oct 2017, at 12:00, Alex wrote:

Is the only way to submit to spamcop to use their custom email address
assigned to the account, or is there some command-line way to do it?

For all the details of various ways to send mail from the command line, see the man pages for mail, mailx, and/or sendmail.

or the TL;DR answer:

mailx -s "report spam" submit.[your SC account gibberish]@spam.spamcop.net < rawspam.txt

But since this is the SpamAssassin-Users list, I assume you'd rather use this feature of the 'spamassassin' script (as described in the 'spamassassin-run' man page):

   -r, --report
       Report this message as manually-verified spam.  This will sub-
       mit the mail message read from STDIN to various spam-blocker
       databases.  Currently, these are the Distributed Checksum
       Clearinghouse "http://www.rhyolite.com/anti-spam/dcc/";, Pyzor
       "http://pyzor.sourceforge.net/";, Vipul's Razor
       "http://razor.sourceforge.net/";, and SpamCop "http://www.spam-

       If the message contains SpamAssassin markup, the markup will be
       stripped out automatically before submission.  The support mod-
       ules for DCC, Pyzor, and Razor must be installed for spam to be
       reported to each service.  SpamCop reports will have greater
       effect if you register and set the "spamcop_to_address" option.

       The message will also be submitted to SpamAssassin's learning
       systems; currently this is the internal Bayesian statistical-
       filtering system (the BAYES rules).  (Note that if you only
       want to perform statistical learning, and do not want to report
       mail to third-parties, you should use the "sa-learn" command
       directly instead.)

Note that if you are paranoid and have X-Original-To, Delivered-To, or other headers in delivered mail that expose internal address plumbing, you may want to pre-process the input message to remove those.

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