>> On 11/27/2017 10:34 PM, Colony.three wrote:
>>>> ExecStartPre=/bin/chown -R spamd:spamd /run/spamassassin
>>>> There's a root exploit for the "spamd" user in that last line. Assuming
>>>> you got the tmpfiles.d thing working, you should delete those
>>>> ExecStartPre commands.
>>> Can you explain further please?
>>> If this is true, someone should tell Red Hat that their
>>> /usr/lib/systemd/system/spamass-milter-root.service has the same problem.
>>> On 28.11.17 09:03, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
>>> The "chown" command follows both symlinks and hardlinks by default.
>>> to be more precise, there is nothing like "following hard links" because
>>> hard links are "the" files.
>>> When used with the "-R" flag, it only follows hardlinks,
>>> it recurses into /run/spamassassin, handling all files and directories
>>> there, not following symlinks.
>>> but that can still
>>> be abused by the "spamd" user. The first time "chown -R" gets executed,
>>> you give ownership of /run/spamassassin to the "spamd" user. The second
>>> (and third, ...) time that the service is started, the "spamd" user owns
>>> that directory and can place a hard link in it pointing to a root-owned
>>> file. The "chown" call will then give root's file to the "spamd" user.
>>> The simple workaround is to avoid the "-R" flag. in fact, we only need it
>>> when we create /run/spamassassin so it gets owned by spamd.
>>> The exploit is trickier in this case because /run is on a tmpfs, and
>>> because hard links can't cross filesystem boundaries. But I would bet
>>> that you have something else sensitive in /run that can be used to gain
>>> root.

Interesting, thanks guys.

I'd added the chown because I thought I needed it, but have now found that it's 
entirely unnecessary. (Someone should let RedHat know about their 
milter.service though -- I tried but can't get signed up for Bugzilla)

FWIW here's what I think RedHat's spamassassin.service -should- look like.  
Works perfectly, unlike RedHat's version which does not create the socket 
directory, nor have Nice, nor security
Description=Spamassassin daemon
After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStartPre=-/sbin/portrelease spamd
# Create socket directory:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/spamd --pidfile /run/spamassassin/spamd.pid $SPAMDOPTIONS

# Security
InaccessibleDirectories=/bin /boot /home /media /mnt /opt /root /sbin /sys
ReadOnlyDirectories=/lib /lib64 /usr
DeviceAllow=/dev/null rw


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