On 01/12/17 10:54, Axb wrote:
On 12/01/2017 11:17 AM, Sebastian Arcus wrote:

On 30/11/17 12:45, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 28.11.17 19:39, Sebastian Arcus wrote:
I'm having more and more problems with the HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_* set of rules recently generating false positives.

Plenty of business emails will include a logo at the bottom - and not everybody is a graphics expert to make their logo a tiny optimised gif or png - so some of these are slightly bigger than they should be.

However, this seems to be sufficiently wide spread. Also, many business emails can be just a few words reply - so the ratio of words to images triggers the filter in SA. Could the scores on HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_* set of rules be lowered a bit - or is there anything else to be done - aside from educating all the internet on optimising logos in the email signatures? :-)

those have lower scorew with BAYES and network rules enabled.
configure BAYES and enable netowrk rules...

Hi. I have BAYES enabled and DNSBL's enabled (I assume that's what you mean by network rules?). I still think that a score of 1.6 is quite a lot, considering that so many emails nowadays contain either an embedded logo in the signature, with just a few words (in a quick email reply, for example), or even images inserted, instead of attached to the email. Please see below an example of a SA report:

-0.2 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2      RBL: Average reputation (+2)
                             [ listed in wl.mailspike.net]
0.4 MIME_HTML_MOSTLY       BODY: Multipart message mostly text/html MIME
1.6 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_24     BODY: HTML: images with 2000-2400 bytes of words
2.0 BAYES_50               BODY: Bayes spam probability is 40 to 60%
                              [score: 0.4808]
0.8 MPART_ALT_DIFF         BODY: HTML and text parts are different
0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
2.5 PYZOR_CHECK            Listed in Pyzor (http://pyzor.sf.net/)
-0.0 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE     RBL: Sender listed at http://www.dnswl.org/, no
                              [ listed in list.dnswl.org]

you've changed SA default scores and now complain about one which hasn't been touched as cause for FPs?

compare the defaults with yours...
score PYZOR_CHECK 0 1.985 0 1.392 # n=0 n=2
score BAYES_50  0  0  2.0    0.8

hmmmm.... maybe you should rethink those changes.

Indeed, I did amend some of the default SA scores, to catch more spam for the type of email received at this particular site. That doesn't change the fact that 1.6 seems to me a pretty high score for a rule which would be triggered on such a large number of ham emails. Just saying.

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