Thank you, Sir.

So in my there is a commented-out rule as follows:

#   Set the threshold at which a message is considered spam (default: 5.0)
# required_score 5.0

setting that required to 999 will over ride the standard rules system wide?

On 01/18/2018 05:11 PM, David Jones wrote:
> On 01/18/2018 04:00 PM, Chip wrote:
>> Find this tidbit of information how to find the rules that are loaded
>> with spam assassin:
>> spamassassin --lint -D 2>&1 | grep 'config: read file'
>> I see many, many lines of files.
>> I don't see myself going into all those files and replacing a score of
>> whatever with a 999 or 0.
>> There must be a simpler solution to turning off rules than individually
>> editing each ruleset.
> You can easily grep and sed the output of the lint command above to
> generate "score RULE 0.0" and append it to the  But I am
> pretty sure this is not want you are wanting to do as it wouldn't be
> very useful.
>> And in the there are NO rules.
>> So I'm back to zero here.
> What specifically are you trying to do? You may want to leave all
> rules active and simply add some new custom rules to for your
> custom needs.
> If you don't want to block anything and just want to collect as much
> spam and ham as possible, then set the "required_score 999" in your

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