On Sat, 16 Jun 2018 16:00:05 -0400
J Doe wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Thank you for the feedback.  I am still uncertain, however, if I have
> to explicitly define the trusted_networks/internal_networks
> parameters manually in my case (where SA is running on same host as
> MTA) ?

You shouldn't need to set network settings, unless you want to extend
your trusted network or internal+trusted into a third party network or
need to workaround a rare situation or bad practice.

Despite the warning I wouldn't recommend setting the networks unless you
have good reason. SA is pretty good at working this stuff out, but once
you set it it manually it's your responsibly. 

If you want to scan outgoing mail, make sure that that your mta is
recording authentication on submission e.g. showing "with ESMTPA",
rather than "with ESMTP".

> there’s no information about whether SA automatically grabs the IP
> address of the host it is running on when that host also is the MTA.

Aside from the practicalities of that, it shouldn't need to. Remember
that a received header reports the upstream IP address.

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