On 9/22/2018 5:55 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
The URIBL plugin looks for URLs in the subject and message body.
Is there some way to coax it to look in the other headers as well, for example the From: Reply-to: or the Received headers?


This reminds me of that saying, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" - and along those lines, I have some interesting observations about this:

(1) some URI/domain blacklists are ONLY intended for blocking on the domain or IP that is at the base of clickable links inside the body of the message. These will often have a small (but critical) uptick in false positives if used to check against domains found in the SMTP envelope (FROM, PTR record, HELO), with typically a very small increase in additional spams blocked. SO BE CAREFUL -AND- if you use a URI/domain blacklist in that way and they don't prescribe that type of usage, don't complain to them or anyone about any resulting false positives - because it would then be your MIS-usage off their list that caused those false positive.

(2) Even so, there really are SOME series of spams that can be safely blocked based on domains that are in the SMTP envelope (FROM, PTR record, HELO). In some cases, these are snowshoe spammers who are sending from their own spammy domain - but where this domain is NOT found in a clickable link inside the body of the message - they really are trying to get the user to hit "reply". So there really is a purpose for this, even if it is is a very small percentage of all spam

(3) However, even with that being a very small percentage of all - LARGE mail hosters LOVE THIS IDEA? Why? Because it is SO EFFICIENT for them to be able to block MORE spam based on information in the SMTP envelope - BEFORE the "data" command. Sometimes, this helps block messages where the domain was in a clickable link inside the body of the message - but it is still MORE EFFICIENT to block that based on the domain also being in the SMTP envelop.

(4) ABOUT THOSE FALSE POSITIVES: One of the main reasons that this is so risky for False Positives... is because two things are epidemic in recent years: (a) web site gets hijacked by criminal spammer, who installed pages there that redirect to pornographic dating sites or pill spam websites -AND/OR- (b) email account on the mail server gets credentials hijacked and starts spewing spam. HERE IS THE PROBLEM: *MOST* of the time, one or the other happens, (a or b) but not both. Therefore, if (a) happens, they are sure to land on traditional URI blacklists like SURBL, URIBL, and ivmURI. But this company - whose web site was hacked - might not have a single spam coming from their mail server. Yet, if you do the SMTP envelope checking against such URI blacklists - you're going to have a substantially higher amount of false positives due to blocking ALL of those emails that merely have a "FROM" address ending in that domain name - even though NONE of THOSE messages are spam.

(5) So which lists *DO* support blocking on the SMTP envelope? Spamhaus' DBL list is designed for this. However, invaluement's ivmURI list is NOT supposed to be used in this manner. SURBL and URIBL were originally designed to not be used in this way - but that might have changed in recent years? I recommend checking on that. In the meantime, I recommend *ONLY* using Spamhaus' DBL list in this way. (possibly SURBL or URIBL too? - but double check on that!)

(6) QUESTION: So why would a list not support both blocking methods? For example, why wouldn't ivmURI support this method?

ANSWER: What Spamhaus did with DBL, while interesting, put them at a strategic disadvantage, and there isn't a thing they can do about that without making fundamental changes to their strategy. Recall that false positive scenario mentioned earlier, where a hacked web site causing a URI-list blacklisting can lead to substantially more false positives due to only hitting on legit mails when blocking based on this domain being in the SMTP envelope? Well.. the OPPOSITE situation ALSO causes more false positives. When their email system has a hijacked email account, but their web site was NOT hacked - then domain blacklists that prescribe BOTH blocking methods and blacklist that domain... are going to then start blocking ALL messages that have that domain as a hyperlink inside the body of the message, even if THOSE messages are legit. This will then cause a substantial number of false positives that were not part of those hijacked outbound messages. So this works both ways. The problem with such domain blacklists that prescribe both uses... is that they either have to settle for (a) more false positives -OR- (b) more false negatives. In other words, the higher collateral damage potential means that there is going to be more collateral damage when they "take the bait" and blacklist the domain -OR- their desire to limit false positives will cause them to defer on the listing - even though it would have been an excellent and justified ratio of spam-to-ham blocked, with little collateral damage if the mail systems using that list could have ONLY blocked using one method or the other, NOT both! DBL likely errs on the side of less collateral damage - so it is should be safe to use DBL for blocking based on both methods, as they prescribe, especially considering Spamhaus' reputation for extremely low false positives. Then, other URI lists can pick up the slack on the occasional False Negatives.

(7) Given this information, at invaluement, we have solved this problem by creating a new domain blacklist ("ivmSED") that is independent of ivmURI, where ivmSED is a domain blacklist used ONLY for blocking based on the domains found on the SMTP envelope (FROM, PTR record, HELO) - and where ivmSED NOT be used for blocking domains in clickable links in the body of the message, since that is the job of our ivmURI list. That way, ivmSED and ivmURI are independent, and we then have the flexibility to block a domain using either method independently, or both together, for the approach that most surgically targets the spam, keeps collateral damage to a minimum, and without compromises that lead to more false negatives. ivmSED has just recently entering beta testing. (SED = "Sender's Envelope Domain").

Rob McEwen

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