
I recently did an experiment where I stopped accepting incoming e-mail without TLS. This seemingly cut off about 95-99% of spam. Unfortunately there still seem to be a small percentage of servers sending without TLS, so that was a no go.

Now I've instead turned to SpamAssassin to score TLS.

header MR_RCVD_TLSĀ  Received =~ / by \S+ \(OpenSMTPD\) with ESMTPS id [a-z0-9]{8} \((TLSv\d+(?:[.]\d+)?):\S+:\d+:\S+\)/s

Does the Received check only check the last untrusted relay?

The Apache lists seem to be using no TLS either. :)

Even though I recall QMail having TLSv1 back when we were still using it.


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