On 28.09.19 00:21, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
With my extra parameter added....

/usr/bin/perl -T -w /usr/bin/spamd --pidfile /var/run/spamd.pid -D -d -c -m5 -H --cf=required_score 4.0

On 9/28/2019 9:38 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
the "required_score 4.0" should be enclosed in quotes of apostrophoes.
Or, in config file.

further, the empty -H changes how configs are used:

   "By specifying no argument, spamd will use the spamc caller's home directory

so, the calling user $HOME/.spamassassin/user_prefs is used

On 28.09.19 12:20, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
Apparently, the whole problem was the quotes.  I added the quotes to the command line options, and it finally works.  I didn't try adding quotes in the local.cf file.  But it makes sense.  Note though, that the commented "required_score" line in the shipped version of local.cf does not have quotes.  Perhaps quotes should get added to that file in the distribution if they are required.


Quotes must be in startup file, because "required_score 4.0" without quotes
in the command line is understood as two separate arguments, while you need
one argument.

It's different in config file, quotes don't belong there.

So now at least I know how to set the threshold.  But my original question has spawned a separate discussion of whether it is the right thing do to change the threshold.   I got one suggestion that, rather than reducing the threshold, I go in and rework the scoring on all of the rules in order to get my scores for obvious spam to rank above 5.0. 

Playing with scores is often even worse because scores are balanced
automatically, increasing either could increase false positives.

First you should ask why you only get those scores.
There are plugins like razor2, pyzor, DCC, that can increase scores

Also, using BAYES database helps much, although it requires training.

Since you use the -H parameter above, your users will have each own database
and will need to train it themselves.

So the real question is.... why are MY scores on spam apparently lower than the main population of SA users? 

there are always some false negatives. Spammers try hard.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.

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