Again, you've made my point.

All you have is a ad hominem and strawman arguments both logical fallacies.

You can't debate so call for my removal from this list.

On 7/12/2020 12:40 PM, micah anderson wrote:
Eric Broch <> writes:

2) You accuse "the right wing[er]" of making this issue political when
we've/I've done no such thing.
hilariously, you then go on to do exactly that:

The maintainers of the list have listened to those who've turned
something benign (whitelist/blacklist) into something political and
are now groveling to the political Marxists.
Maybe you don't see it, but your war against the imaginary conspiracy
theory of cultural marxism is not at all benign, or apolitical. Play the
victim all you want, but invoking the spectre of "cultural Marxism" to
account for things you disapprove of is just proving the original
poster's point.

Where does it stop. No one has answered my question. Now that
whitelist/blacklist are gone why isn't Apache on the chopping block?
What's next?
Depends if you want to haul out the frankfurt school, Marcuse, and
Adorno and the proletariat's desire to revolt, mix in a little bit of
Frued and claim that a mysterious group is using insidious forms of
psychological manipulation to chemtrail the 9/11 inside job. Clearly the
renaming of whitelist/blacklist is a Soros paid for plot intended to
destroy traditional Christian values and overthrow free enterprise, just
look at Clinton's emails...obvious link to pizza gate, and
Benghazi...who knows where you are going to stop this regurgitated drool
you had brainwashed into you, but...

Personally, I think it needs to stop here, the theory of cultural
Marxism is blatantly antisemtic, drawing on the idea of Jews as a fifth
column bringing down western civilisation from within, a racist trope
that has a longer history than Marxism. Like the Protocols of the Elders
of Zion, the theory was fabricated to create and perpetuated a culture
war (William Lind).

So where does it stop and what is next? It needs to stop right
here. Spewing anti-semetic bile on this mailing list is exactly what
needs to be next.

If this guy isn't spam, I don't know what is.


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