On Wed, 22 Jul 2020, Charles Sprickman wrote:

Rather than tolerate the tiniest of changes you throw a tantrum.

This is not a tiny change. I had hoped it would be, which is why I supported it in the initial PMC vote, but it's becoming clear to me I was overly optimistic.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
 jhar...@impsec.org    FALaholic #11174     pgpk -a jhar...@impsec.org
 key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
  There is no better measure of the unthinking contempt of the
  environmentalist movement for civilization than their call to
  turn off the lights and sit in the dark.            -- Sultan Knish
 104 days until the Presidential Election

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