These forum messages probably have a common URL in them.

Use something like:
to score the common URL.


On 10/10/20 4:52 PM, Ramon F Herrera wrote:
Hello all:

I have been a very satisfied user of spamassassin for a long time. Now I am facing a challenge, a problem that I cannot resolve.

Years ago I was an active participant in the SolidWorks forum:

Unfortunately, there is a group there who when don't approve of a thread their response is to send you a barrage of e-mails, some sort of DOS attack. I have received thousands of those, during several years.

I dutifully have those messages processed by sa-learn, but it is clear that they are immune to spamassassin. Instead of going up, their score goes down.

I tried another approach (suggested by some of you folks): block the sender by sendmail, as seen below. Such defensive strategy was helpful for a couple years but now the spam has come back with a vengeance. Currently, my last line of defense is the only one that recognizes that stealth spam: the Thunderbird mail client.

Please help.


-Ramon F. Herrera

ps: I do not have samples right now but will collect some and post them.

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