
On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 10:20:32AM -0500, Ramon F Herrera wrote:
> On 10/11/2020 10:07 AM, Marc Roos wrote:
> >Now you can decide to reject email coming from (the whole of) sendgrid.
> I am the one who is a client of sendgrid.

Are you aware that you've posted this to a list where it is an
ongoing topic of discussion for the last year or so how to block the
torrent of spam and phishing from SendGrid without blocking the
legitimate email?

> They provide legitimacy. Highly recommended

>From my point of view I'd prefer if people didn't use SendGrid as
then it would become more feasible to block them entirely. They
currently "provide legitimacy" only on the basis of them being "too
big to block"; I am not sure if that is something to be encouraged
by throwing them more business.


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