On 12/22/2020 6:56 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:
Is there a way to bypass RBL checks for a specific address? I've tried the all_spam_to option, but it looks like it artificially lowers the score and still runs normal tests. I'd like to disable RBL checks for one address.


First, I'm NOT an expert on all of this - so somebody might be able to follow up with BETTER information, but this will hopefully point you in the right direction.

So at some point, I think 10+ years ago, I needed to do this, and instead of doing this at the spam filter level - I found that it worked well to do this via BIND - so this works if you're using your own locally-hosted BIND server for resolving DNSBL queries. So, for example, if you qualified for use of the free version of SpamCop (as an example), and you wanted to whitelist the IP, you could add the following to your named.conf file:

   zone "" in { type master; notify no; file
   "master/null.zone"; };

Then add another such record for each DNSBL that you use. Then the "master/null.zone" file can be the following EMPTY zone (or something like this - change as desired! This might not even be the best or "right" way to do this - this is just what I had in that null.zone file when I was doing this 10+ years ago):

   $TTL 52w
   @       IN      SOA     root.localhost.  root.localhost (
                            2005012001 ; serial
                            52w ; refresh
                            52w ; retry
                            52w ; expire
                            52w ; ttl

   @        IN      NS      localhost
   localhost IN    A

So by referencing an empty zone file, that way, each "zone" entry just points to this one file, for maximum efficiency and caching, and you don't have to reenter this for each zone. In the named.conf file, I think each zone statement (my 1st example abovw) would go AFTER the "options" section, but before the "includes" section. Obviously, if you suddenly needed to do this for 10s of thousands of IPs or hostnames, then maybe it would then start to have resource/maintenance issues - but on a smaller scale, this works great!

HOWEVER - This was so long ago, that I don't know if this STILL works in more recent version of BIND without causing issues? It is possible that in more recent version of BIND, DNSSEC might interfere with being able to do this?

So ANOTHER option might be to use the newer "response-policy" feature - my first idea was a sort of hack - but this "response-policy" might be more intended for exactly this purpose. So do a search on the following:

"response-policy" "BIND" "NXDOMAIN"
...with each in quotes, as shown, for instructions on how this is done.

So I think the example above, if implemented using "response-policy", would be the following:

   response-policy { IN CNAME .

Or something like that. Double-check my syntax. It might be wrong! So, again, I've never done the "response-policy", so this is just to get you started and point you in the right direction. If someone comes along and corrects my possible mistakes, or provides BETTER info - that is excellent - in the meantime, hopefully this will point you in the right direction, or give you some ideas.

-- Rob McEwen, invaluement

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