> To update SpamAssassin module from time to time from Git I am using 
> Puppet/Ansible that will put the code in the right places.
> On simpler install I am using a Makefile like this one:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> install:
>         pod2man Esp.pm > 
> "/usr/share/man/man3p/Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Esp.3p"
>         perl -cw Esp.pm && podlint Esp.pm && cp Esp.{cf,pm,pre} 
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Then I can run git pull from the directory and run make install to copy all 
> files to the correct places.

Thanks Giovanni, yes, this is what one would normally do, drop the
files into /etc/spamassassin (linked from /etc/mail/spamassassin on my

This also solves my initial problem of git repo within git repo.  But
it doesn't solve my desire to keep things in one place.  It's true
that with this particular module the file names are the same.  And
it's also true that the man page (if I wanted to be able to read it
with the man command) would need to go in a different place.

I do kind of like Tom Hendrikx idea of putting cloning the folder into
somewhere in /usr/local/etc and putting a modified pre file in
/etc/spamassassin/.  But it's true it's not perfect.

The next step in this I suppose could be to build a deb or rpm file
around these contributed modules.  But I doubt people are going to
want to build and maintain packages for each of the different
unix/linux/other OSs out there.

Maybe just recommending module developers to put in a simple Makefile
with an install and uninstall target?  I don't know if that's the
right answer.  It does feel like this should be a bit more admin
friendly, by that I mean it should be more than lore to know the right
way to install spamassassin modules in a maintainable way with a

Thanks all for the answers here.

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