On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 12:07:52AM -0400, Jared Hall wrote:
> 1) The module, if installed and using the config file as is, does no harm at
> all.  It will merely generate rules based upon what it finds.  These are all
> scored at the low rate of 0.01.  It's up to the user to decide what to with
> them.  They can wrap up a generated rule in a meta rule.  Example:
> score JR_HATES_BEENTHERE   8.0

While I guess it's not illegal to whip up rules on the fly, it's awkward and
inflexible for the users.

> 2C) The initial release of CHAOS.pm did all kinds of scoring.  One of the
> knocks I have about SpamAssassin is that is does not maintain counts of hits. 
> My complaints about this go all the way back to 2010.  Counts and Amounts.  SA
> is great with Amounts.  It sucks with Counts.  To the SA Development crew's
> credit, somewhere along the way, tflags were added to allow that functionality
> in a very primitive fashion.  Many people are happy with that.  I'm just not
> one of them.
> ...
> I read somewhere, while looking at META rules that SA internally builds an
> array of the rules hit.  That way, as rules hit, METAs are then appropriately
> updated.  Gee, an array.  Maybe we could add a count to that array if the user
> wishes to?  I think that it is a lot of development; not so much the actual
> process of doing it, but updating all the User handling thereof.  Alas, It is
> what it is *SIGH*

There's zero actual information here.  What exactly are you finding hard to

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