On Tue, 2021-09-21 at 18:57 -0700, Loren Wilton wrote:
> Well, from the few I've seen, they all seem to have a relatively
> constant structure. Someone pointed you to a plugin that is at least
> dealing in this having a better suggestion.
> While I wrote a little Perl a decade ago I've forgotten many of the 
> pecularities, but there are some good web sites out there, and there
> is one of the animal books on the subject. Perl is a bit pecular in
> syntax and function compared to the C/C++ I did much of my career, but
> I didn't have much trouble picking up enough to make some local SA
> hacks long ago, so if you can program in most anything it probably
> won't be too much trouble.
What Loren said. The book you need in "The Camel Book": Its an O'Reilly
publication, "Programming Perl by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Jon
Orwant  - my copy is the 3rd edidtin, dated 2000, so there are probably
more recent editions. Its well written and organised and, equally
important, has a whole chapter on Perl regular expressions, which are
not the same as,e.g C or Java regexes.

I also know very little perl, but this book, together with an example SA
plugin, were enough to let me write an SA plugin for doing lookups on a
PostgreSQL database containing my mail archive I use this plugin to
whitelist mail from anywhere I've previously sent mail to).


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