Morning all,

So I'd recommend a different take.  Autolearn is an abomination we never
should have published.  It is, in effect, a switch to allow a inherent bias
in the modelling to grow and continue.

Disable autolearn, wipe your Bayes store, and manually train from hand
classified ham and spam. Oh, and use Redis for the backend store. The
difference is usually night and day.

Regards, KAM

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021, 06:18 Martin Gregorie <> wrote:

> On Tue, 2021-09-21 at 18:57 -0700, Loren Wilton wrote:
> >
> > Well, from the few I've seen, they all seem to have a relatively
> > constant structure. Someone pointed you to a plugin that is at least
> > dealing in this having a better suggestion.
> >
> > While I wrote a little Perl a decade ago I've forgotten many of the
> > pecularities, but there are some good web sites out there, and there
> > is one of the animal books on the subject. Perl is a bit pecular in
> > syntax and function compared to the C/C++ I did much of my career, but
> > I didn't have much trouble picking up enough to make some local SA
> > hacks long ago, so if you can program in most anything it probably
> > won't be too much trouble.
> >
> What Loren said. The book you need in "The Camel Book": Its an O'Reilly
> publication, "Programming Perl by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Jon
> Orwant  - my copy is the 3rd edidtin, dated 2000, so there are probably
> more recent editions. Its well written and organised and, equally
> important, has a whole chapter on Perl regular expressions, which are
> not the same as,e.g C or Java regexes.
> I also know very little perl, but this book, together with an example SA
> plugin, were enough to let me write an SA plugin for doing lookups on a
> PostgreSQL database containing my mail archive I use this plugin to
> whitelist mail from anywhere I've previously sent mail to).
> Martin

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