On 9/22/2021 8:11 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
So I'd recommend a different take.  Autolearn is an abomination we never should have published.  It is, in effect, a switch to allow a inherent bias in the modelling to grow and continue.

On 22.09.21 10:39, Jared Hall wrote:
Agreed, predictable Garbage Out (FP) becomes Cascading Garbage Out.

Disable autolearn, wipe your Bayes store, and manually train from hand classified ham and spam.

1000% Correct, IMO.  If you must run Bayes, train it once and leave it be.  Repeat as needed.

I noticed a few that repeated spam gets finally trained and gets BAYES_99.

the main problem is lack of safe rules with negative scores.

of course, nothing defeats manual training.
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