Bill Cole wrote:
On 2022-02-08 at 04:28:16 UTC-0500 (Tue, 8 Feb 2022 01:28:16 -0800)
Loren Wilton <>
is rumored to have said:

No, I added that after observing multiple spams with random garbage after the 
closing HTML tag in the HTML body part. Presumably it was an attempt at Bayes 
poison, checksum avoidance, or some other filter evasion technique.

I'll tighten it up.

FWIW, here is the rule I use. It obviously could be better, but I haven't 
noticed that it misfires.

full __GOODEHTML1 m'</html>'i

full __GOODEHTML2 m'</html>(?:\s|=0A){0,50}(?:$|--|=)'is # stop on mime ending 


I would advise against using such alternative regex syntax in rules. As you 
obviously figured out, you CAN (for now...) use any valid Perl syntax for 
writing a regex match, but I do not believe that we want to bless that as 
something which will never break.

Maybe it's just inexperience with deep regex voodoo, but I'm not seeing anything odd in those.

Are you talking about the use of m'' as the regex delimiter?


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