> >> spamassassin add multiple times '**spam**' to the subject.
> >>
> >> your spamassassin only adds it one time
> >
> > Yes I know, and lazy users do not remove it in replies, that is how
> you get multiple occurances
> than it's "Subject: **spam** Re: **spam**" and the only relevant
> information for you is the first because that's from your system

modifications to the subject I see only as relevant to the recipient. 

Email users really don't have a clue what is added by whom. Users that leave 
our spam marked subject in the email replies, generate even issues why other 
people are receiving their email marked as spam.

> just because on a random place in the middle of the subject **spam**
> appears musn't supress the flagging of my own filter

Indeed that is why a solution for development could be something like

if spam
check if there is in the beginning of the subject a string that matches the 
'rewrite_header' as configured in local.cf, if not add, if it is there skip. 

I think the situation I am describing is quite often occurring. I wonder what 
others think of this.

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