On 2023-01-04 at 10:24 +1300, Sidney Markowitz wrote:
> If anyone else reading this is using 4.0.0 and postgres for AWL, are
> you seeing or not seeing this problem?

I can easily reproduce this with a quick install and manually providing
the SQL from the code (output included below). Postgresql (tested on
version 11) seem to be choking on the self-referential totscore in the
update clause.
It seems it can't assign a value from the row inside the DO UPDATE but
only a constant.

As a quick fix, removing the string “pg|” from the lines 309, 325, 341
and 358 will probably make the plugin work by making it use the
fallback code with postgres.

postgres=# CREATE TABLE awl (
postgres(#   username varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
postgres(#   email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
postgres(#   ip varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
postgres(#   msgcount bigint NOT NULL default '0',
postgres(#   totscore float NOT NULL default '0',
postgres(#   signedby varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
postgres(#   last_hit timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
postgres(#   PRIMARY KEY (username,email,signedby,ip)
postgres(# );
postgres=# select * from awl;
 username | email | ip | msgcount | totscore | signedby | last_hit 
(0 rows)

postgres=# insert into awl (username, email, ip, signedby) values ('john', 
'jsm...@example.com', '', '-');
postgres=# select * from awl;
 username |       email        |    ip     | msgcount | totscore | signedby |   
 john     | jsm...@example.com | |        0 |        0 | -        | 
2023-01-04 02:45:24.769152
(1 row)

postgres=# insert into awl (username, email, ip, signedby) values ('john', 
'jsm...@example.com', '', '-') ON CONFLICT (username, email, signedby, 
ip) DO UPDATE set msgcount = 5, totscore=totscore + 10;
ERROR:  column reference "totscore" is ambiguous
LINE 1: ...ignedby, ip) DO UPDATE set msgcount = 5, totscore=totscore +...

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