
I've got a long standing server, where I run FreeBSD (13.1) + sendmail (8.17.1) + MIMEDefang (2.84) + SpamAssassin (3.4.6). (I know there are more recent versions, but that's what ports currently provide).
This has been working perfectly for years.

Since the beginning of this year, however, incoming (SMTP authenticated) mail from clients outside the LAN is marked as spam.
X-Spam-Score: 10.756 (**********) 

Right now I instructed MIMEDefang to avoid passing authenticated mails to SpamAssassin, but this is not what I ideally want. (If a client gets compromised...). My real wish would be to always run messages through SpamAssassin, but avoid RBL/SPF/DMARC/dynamic IPs/etc... checks for those that come from an authenticated client, as these rules make no sense in that case.

What's the best practice to achieve this result?

 bye & Thanks

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