On 2023-08-02 15:49, Loren Wilton wrote:
I've blocked him on my mail server, as well.

I don't
know that I'd block him, but you do need to take anything he says
witha few horselicks of salt.

I (who have almost nothing to contribute to Spamassassin itself, other than being a user) think he should be blocked. I've been online for over 40 years, and it's rare to have someone so actively hostile right out of the gate -- I admit, it made me worried what kind of environment was fostered on the Spamassassin list when I asked my newbie question, and was outright mocked by him. And so, while I have zero sway as a team member or anything like that, as a newbie mailing list member, looking for help, I humbly submit that he's not someone you want being the first interaction a new list member has.

$.02, YMMV, etc.


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