I have a similiar approach, I noticed though that when the email is
copied across to a public folder OR an IMAP folder, the email
header/body is changed with ms-application/tnef.  So whatever you feed
sa-learn, it's not going to be effective as the body of the email has
changed since from the original email.

I get my exchange users to drop all the spams (undetected by
spamassassin) to a public folder and I use imap (exchange is imap
enabled) to retrieve the email from the exchange to my linux box, and
scp && ssh to copy and run sa-learn on the remote mailgateway.

I am still trying to figure out how to fix this tnef problem, has anyone
experience / noticed the tnef / winmail.dat thing in the email message?
apparently this only happens if the email has been read by a Microsoft
email client who is tnef aware, and it automaticaly changes the email!!!


Subject: Re: Exchange/Outlook - how do you learn spam?
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 02:17:13PM -0500
Quoting E. Falk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

: Easiest way to get them out of the Exchange public folder without 
: messing up the headers is via IMAP. There are some scripts available to 
: open the folder and read the messages (can't recall exactly where, but 
: if you can't find them let me know and I'll pass mine onto you - they're 
:  modified versions of the scripts available online).
: Works very nicely.
: Evan
: Jon Dossey wrote:
: >I'm sure a lot of us have a similar setup, linux/bsd mx gateways
: >(running SA) relaying mail to Exchange, and Outlook clients.  I'm just
: >curious how everyone handles learning?  
: >
: >It seems like a lot of people recommend a public folder for users to
: >dump spam in, but how do you get it back out into a useable format that
: >sa-learn will understand?  Saving messages out of Outlook (for me
: >anyway) into a txt file removes all the internet headers.
: >
: >So how else do you handle getting your messages back out of
: >exchange/outlook, and sa-learn'ed?  
: >
: >.jon

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