> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Wiebeld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 4:49 PM
> To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
> Subject: RE: When is Bulk "Bulk"
> >>> "Rob McEwen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/09/05 01:36PM:
> > Of course I don't propose any sort of rules changes. Generally,
> > someone's
> > bad behavior will speak for itself in that the more egregious their
> > spamming, the more URI & RBL blacklists they will appear on. Also, use
> > of
> > spammer's obfuscation techniques or sending mail from a spam gang's
> > server
> > also speaks for itself.
> >
> > But I do hate the idea of someone sending out < 10 unsolicited but
> > hand-typed e-mails being treated the same as a spammer sending out
> > 10,000
> > unsolicited and impersonal e-mails per day... but somehow I think that
> > this
> > is already taken care of in spite of what some of the more aggressive
> > mail
> > administrators have said today.
> I don't think you understand the situation. How is the recipient
> supposed to know whether it is actually a hand crafted email sent
> just to him or a spam run of 10,000?
> Because there is no way for the recipient to know, we do treat
> them the same. If the recipient believes it is spam by his
> definition, then it goes into the spam folder. Then it is sent to
> the Bayes system and SpamCop.
> The only difference you might see would be the number of
> complaints SpamCop would receive and whether it hit any spam trap
> addresses. But both types are treated exactly the same and
> reported exactly the same by the recipient. There is no way you
> can prove in your message that it is not a spam run of 10,000.

You put enough bad spam reports in spamcop and you are pretty much ignored
by spamcop, you become the 'spam report' spammer. And, if you report to
legit RBL services too many bad reports, same thing.

Most admins won't use RBLs, URIs, or anything else that have too many false
positives. (that is one of the reasons SA is so popular, low false
positives) If they do, they spend all their time fighting with their own
users who are not getting emails they want. Do that stuff too much and you
will get fired or lose your customers.

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