From: "Rob McEwen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Could some of us be treating unsolicited Business-to-Consumer and
unsolicited Business-To-Business the same? Should they be treated the same?

<< jdow: Unsolicited business to business comes in two flavors. Someone
wants to sell me his superwhizbang electricified pencil sharpener or
someone wants to purchase something from me that I have published for
sale. The former gets the brunt of my sense of humor if I bother to
do anything other than assign their address to /dev/null. The latter
get my considered attention.

If not, the perhaps some people's irritation about getting called at
dinner-time for the 10th time by the same phone company be influencing their
opinions here?

<< jdow: Even at work there were times I had to fight HARD to be civil
and suggest the person contact me some other time. What worked best was
if someone was already visiting "Fred over there" or "Greg on the corner"
he'd look in and see if I was interested. 10 seconds if interruption is
not the same as a blaring ring on a phone and 10 minutes or even 1
minute of hard sell.

"Am I likely to think you are wasting my time?" Ask that question and
act accordingly. Take your product biases or candidate biases and put
them aside. Then ask the question dispassionately.


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