Hi all,

  I'm wondering if anyone out there hosts a large number of users with
per-USER bayes (in MySQL)?  Our user base is varied enough that we do not
feel bayes would be effective if done site-wide.  Some people like their
spammy newsletters, some are geeks who would deeply resent someone training
newsletters to be ham.

  As a result of this, however, we are currently burdened with an 8GB(! yep,
you read it right) bayes database (more than 20K users having mail
delivered).  We went to InnoDB when we upgraded to 3.1 per the upgrade doc's
recommendation, so that also means things are a bit slower.  Watching mytop,
most all the activity we get is from bayes inserts, which is not surprising,
and is probably the cause of why we get a lot of iowait, trying to keep
writing to an 8G tablespace...

  Oh, and we let bayes do its token cleanup on the spot (sorry, not
remembering the config setting name right now), not at night, since a small
lag in delivery is acceptable, but figuring out how to run an absolutely huge
cleanup by cron every night in this scenario seems like it'd really kill the
DB (and we'd have to run sa-learn once for every single user, right... ugh)

  We've tuned the InnoDB some, but performance is still not all that good --
is there anyone out there who runs a system like this?  

  * What kinds of MySQL tuning are people using to help cope?
  * Are there any SA settings to help allieviate performance problems?
  * If we want to walk away from per-user bayes, is the only option to go
site-wide?  What other options are there?

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