On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 22:19 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 01 January 2006 22:51, jdow wrote:
> [...]
> >> Anyway, the rule thats applying the 3.8 score is
> >>
> >> ATM, I have a "grep -R HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR2 *" running from /
> >> because that rule isn't present in any of the
> >> .spamassassin(/rulesdujour) or /etc/mail/spamassassin directories. 
> >> If I can reduce that by about 1.2, that would fix the majority of
> >> the FP's here.  That rule even grabbed a message from a close
> >> friend just 10 miles away last nite cause he'd also stuck a bunch
> >> of !!! on the end of a happy new year subject line.
> >
> >/usr/share/spamassassin/*.cf
> >
> >The score you got seems higher than the 3.04 score. But that could
> >have been adjusted with 3.10 so I didn't comment.
> >
> >{^_^}
> Well, I've now defined it to be 2.8 in local.cf, and thats working 
> better but I feel I may have to reduce it another few tenths.
> One of the problems I think I've detected is that fetchmail isn't doing 
> a 100% verbatum suck from vz, but seems to be deleting some of the 
> history near the top of the header, but how much is unk.  I could copy 
> the mailfile off before kmail grabs it and zeros out the mailfile and 
> then compare messages to see exactly whats missing.  That would define 
> where the loss is better than my SWAG's.  I'll do that tomorrow.
to my knowledge, fetchmail doesn't remove any headers at all. Procmail
may be doing it or your MTA, depending upon how you are handling it.

after a few years of using fetchmail with 'proto imap' or 'proto
auto' (which used imap protocol), I ended up switching to 'proto pop3'
because the email 'accepted' by my isp included things like NUL
characters in the headers which caused fetchmail to gag on the mail.
When I switched to 'proto pop3' - the fetchmail politely handed the
email off to my MTA (postfix) and expunged it from my ISP and thus, it
ended up being a bit tidier. YMMV


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