From: "Chris Santerre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I personally have a higher-than 1 in every 500 FP rate from URIBL_BLACK.

# grep URIBL_BLACK maillog  |wc -l

# grep URIBL_BLACK maillog |grep BSP_TRUSTED |wc -l

Most of those come from hits against emails sent by's subscriber services. While this site is heavily ad laden, it is a subscriber service.

Please fire an email to me if you come across an FP like this. I'll check it
out ASAP. Your 1 in 500 is unacceptible to me :)

To be honest I never notice them as they go by. I'll see if I can make a
procmail rule to catch them and clone them into a special file. (Making
such a rule will be mind bending given procmail. So don't bet on me
managing it.) I'm the one at one in 500 or so. He said he had something
worse? I suppose it's the ediets one you want to catch?


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