OpenMacNews wrote:
> hi theo,
>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 04:14:05PM -0800, OpenMacNews wrote:
>>> question:  what's this list's policy for sending attachments to the list ?
>>> i'm noticing, e.g., *.pl scripts as attachments ... rather than links to
>>> posts at code-paste sites.
>> I don't think we have a policy about it specifically.  Generally speaking
>> though, it's good netiquette to do as you said: put your large attachments
>> up on a website somewhere and send a link to it instead of sending that
>> attachment to everyone.
> thx for the clarify.
> if there's *any* list(s) that i'd, personally, rather NOT see sending
> out attachments, it' *spamassassin* & *clamav*.
> any chance of getting attachments simply blocked here? or at least
> discussed?
Personally.. If there's any list I *DO* want people sending attachments
it is this list.

I would VERY strongly oppose any measure to block attachments on this list.

There are only two reasonable ways to post sample spams for general list

1) put them on a website and post a link... best for large spam, but not
everyone has this option.
2) post them as an attachment.

In-line quote of spam posted to the list is generally not acceptable, as
the sending MUA modifies the content and this inhibits useful analysis.

Search the list archives for how many times people have had to be told
to re-post with the full spam as an attachment instead of an inline
quote in the body.

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