jdow wrote:

Loren Wilton wrote:
It was mentioned that several people are getting hammered by world-wide robot attacks. I see from the little spam I get that there is a new spam sending tool for robots that is running a stock spam. I suspect the traffic is a combination of distributing the new spam tool and sending out the new spam.

With all this traffic from robots, lots of people here must be getting quite a lot of information in their logs about connections from robots. I wonder if there would be value in a central database that attempts to enumerater the robots?

Most of them are probably on dynamic ip. But if the sending IP and attempted connect time could be logged at many sites and combined, there would be fairly conclusive evidence that a given IP had been sending spam at a particular time. Perhaps that could be submitted to at least some of the more responsible service providers, and they could do something to track it back to a customer and send them an email that their machine is infected. (Or possibly be even more proactive, I suppose.)

The database might also be usable in front door spam blocking. Most people probably shouldn't be accepting direct connections from dynamic ips on someone else's network, especially if that ip has a recent history of sending spam (say in the last 6 hours or so). It might be possible to make a server that could provide yes/no answers on whether the IP has sent spam in the last minute/hour/6 hours/day or so.

I'd think that such a database could be built almost automatically. For instance, if you log the IPs of connection attempts that you reject for various problems, you could just harvest those IPs once an hour or so to some central site, no human judgement calls required. If the mail is accepted and gets a high SA score, and you can still determine the sending IP, then that might be automatically harvested also.

Thoughts?  Does somethign like this have any value?


Something like http://dhsield.org, but limited to email instead of all ports?

Don't know. (Not going to click on THAT link. It looks like it might
lead to a typo squatter potentially with malware. {^_-}) But I suspect
the answer is yes.


Hmmm, dsheild, dhsield, dshield, six of one half dozen of the other ;^)


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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