On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 21:28 -0700, jdow wrote:
> Before you blame Earthlink note that it has NOT gone through Earthlink
> servers.
> relay2.corp.good-sam.com is the receiving email server.
> It's a forged email, at a guess. (It also has mangled headers. Newlines
> are missing. MAYBE it would do better if you sent it plain text. HTML
> tends to mangle things.
> {^_^}

Nobody would blame earthlink for the mail , But Most of the spams to my
clients come from earthlink.net.( sometimes as high as 20% of spams
Yahoo comes in next with ~10% )

 I have written to them several times that their domain is being forged
heavily by spammers but they refuse to take any action 

Apparently they have removed SPF records after publishing them once.
Thats a stupid idea IMHO. Today I am forced to TEMP FAIL earthlink ids
whenever there is a spam attack on my servers 


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