Dylan Bouterse wrote:
> I'm a newbie to the list and have been scanning recent posts to see if
> what I'm about to ask about has been covered but I haven't seen
> anything yet.
> Lately I have been getting more and more of the stock alert spam but
> now all the good info is in an image and typically following the
> image is random text to fool the Bayesian filter. I think the random
> text thing has been covered here recently. It's frustrating when sa
> is giving a -1.6 (or so) score to these emails right off the bat.
> Quite a few of these aren't even getting spam headers because they
> aren't scoring high enough. Is there some magical trick to help score
> these messages higher? Maybe a future version of sa will incorporate
> an OCR module? :) 
> Dylan

How about the FuzzyOCR plugin?  That has been discussed quite a bit
here recently.



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