From: Bowie Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: 2 different scores?
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 10:13:11 -0400

I'm not familiar with the procmail syntax.  When you do "|program",
what is the expected output of the command?  If it expects to get the
filtered email back from the program, you will need to leave off the
'-c' like this:

    |spamc -s 512000

Bowie Bailey

Ok, here's where I'm at now, and things are working, but back at square one, near as I can tell, no network tests are being performed.

(Well, a message that scores a 1.x gets scored quite a bit higher when run through spamassassin).

So here's what I think is happening based on what help I've gotten here.. I know this isn't quite a SA issue, but I hope with the experts here, someone can point me in the right direction. I know enough of SA and linux to be dangerous. This is running on a OS/X 10.4 mac box.

So spamd is called from a cron entry upon system boot:
/opt/local/bin/spamd .

:0fw: spamassassin.lock
| spamc

is my procmail entry.

So here's where my lack of how SA works comes into play:

Is the procmail entry basically calling spamc from 'memory' (ie from the spamd process), or is it calling the executable program?

My guess is I have more than one spamc / spamd / spamassassin, so when I run spamassassin from the command line, that's running the network tests, but spamc from procmail is calling a different spamc.

Can I somehow run spamc or spamd from the command line as I do spamassassin, ie spamassassin < inputfile > outputfile to find out which spamc to call in procmail, and can I in fact specify a spamc, ie /path/to/spamc ?

Am I on the right track?



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