Jo Rhett wrote:
Robert Swan wrote:
Guys, I don't need a lesson on what you think should be done or what you
think is the right thing to do, I just need help writing a rule. I setup
mail servers all the time and I always make sure the: Mail server
broadcast name, the 'A' record and the PTR all match, IT IS JUST GOOD
PRACTICE, I am also not trying to block people who don't qualify, I just
want to identify and score it!!
Received: from

Just FYI, this score will be a Tax on everyone who has a provider who won't let them edit the reverse DNS. IE, most cable and DSL providers on the market.

...Don't ask me why we call things which annoy us "a Tax" in the US. Probably just still emotionally locked up around that whole Tea Party thing ;-)

Or for any machine that hosts more domains than has IPs. Even being able to edit the reverse doesn't mean it will always be the same.

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