So how does Lending Tree come into it? Your original e-mail indicted them for this spam flood...

Gary W. Smith wrote:
Here are the order of events, these are important.

1) I received a spam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] selling Viagra or
2) I opened the URL to the and went to the page for unsubscribing
3) I filled out the unsubscribe information for a fictional personal
named Chris Mather.  This constituted a "enter your email address to
unsubscribe from" box only.
4) Days later I received spam at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        a) Dear mather, chris., one of the emails contained (which also
had a period after chris).
5) I received a spam entitled "refinance your mortgag3 in tree days
(note tree was in the subject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
6) I filled out the form, which asked only for your name, address, phone
(please note it did not ask for email), value of property, etc
7) I received calls from multiple mortgag3 companies
8) I to this day receive upwards of 50 spams per say to this one account
alone.  (I think I have about 15 of these types of accounts doing the
same job).

So, where in this line did I say "please send
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" lots of spam.

The question asked earlier was how to you get someone to start sending
spam, the quick answer is "unsubscribe".
And as I mentioned before, this whole story is also in the SA

-----Original Message-----
From: Jo Rhett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 11:27 AM
To: Gary W. Smith
Subject: Re: Psst!

Gary W. Smith wrote:
Jo, please read in entirety...

Um, no, I unsubscribed it from a list and then received LD spam...
Therefore it's pretty much a spam gig.  The solicited me first.
You filled your information into a web form ... and they solicited

We aren't talking about the pretty LD emails they sent to clients.
Don't get me wrong there.  In fact, those come through just fine.
the spams they outsource (or whatever) that come in.  You know, they
ones where they misspell both mortgage and your name...
Um... tell me.  Did you misspell your name when you submitted it?
I seriously doubt it.

The vast majority of mortgage account info come from public record
information, and that's also where most mis-spellings occur because
newspapers are too lazy to correct stuff like that.  I'm not sure how
they got your e-mail (god hopes your mortgage agency didn't put your
e-mail into the public record)...

The history about this whole story is in the archives from about 18
months ago.  I unsubscribed, received a crappy looking misspelled
went to the simple web page with a couple form fields, filled it
and received lots of phone calls.  For the return email address I
some bogus yahoo account. I can understand the phone spam but no
and at no time, did I give them the spam email address other than
one time "unsubscribe" (which I think was also spelled wrong at the
Phone calls are more likely to be based on the public records that are
published any time you refinance.

Besides, your story is confusing.  The first step is that you
unsubscribed.  You unsubscribed from what?  This isn't the beginning
the story...

So this is a completely valid spam account.  There's no grey area
that one.
I can't comment on that, mostly because I don't understand your story.
It reads like it was tossed in a blender to me :-)  (no insult
but it is confusing as stated)

Jo Rhett
Network/Software Engineer
Net Consonance

Jo Rhett
Network/Software Engineer
Net Consonance

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