Gary W. Smith wrote:
Well, LT (lending tree) seemed to be the one selling people the
information.  When I received calls from these people from the mortgages
they mostly bought their hot leads from LT.

Unless you used a different contact phone number than the one listed on your mortgage public records, you can't be sure that LT is behind this.

> When I did a couple lookups
I found that in some cases the URL's for the mortgage spams (which are
what I received a lot of) had the same technical contact email as LT.
This isn't solid proof they are behind that batch of bulk spams that I
still receive to this day but it doesn't help disprove.

Here's the thing. I have multiple mortgages, and I get tons of mortgage spam. Legitimate (5-10 pieces of postal mail PER DAY) and illegitimate.

I've never dealt with Lending Tree, and I never see Lending Tree spam. *NEVER* is pretty relevant here, because I deal with spam EVERY DAY. It's my day job too :-)

That said, a friend of mine did sign up for Lending Tree and used their service, and now gets spam to that address constantly. But when you send mail to a mailing list of unknown recipients ...

Jo Rhett
Network/Software Engineer
Net Consonance

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